I am not a sinner saved by grace

I am not a sinner saved by grace.

And neither are you.

Or rather, you shouldn’t be.

Either you’re a sinner, or your a new creature in Christ, you don’t get to be both.

Christ did not save me so that I could go back and wallow in a pit of despair, saying "woe is me" while I continue to live in the shackles of sin that He died to break me out of!  

A few posts ago I wrote about "denying the power", about how 2 Timothy 3:1-5 was speaking specifically about this issue.  (You might want to go back and read it if you get a chance.)

I’m not sure why I’m posting again on this same subject, except hat it’s been bugging me more and more lately, as I’m hearing person after person spout the "I’m just a sinner like everyone else, I’m just a sinner saved by grace" nonsense.  If you are just a sinner, and nothing else, then you are denying Christ!  Christ is not some lame duck God that has no power to help you keep from falling into the sins that he died to bring you out of.  He is real, living, powerful, capable, and absolutely able to cleanse and sanctify.  And if you don’t believe that, then you might as well throw away your Bible and live up to that "sinner" label you’re so fond of.

He did not save you so that you could go wallow in the mud of your familiar sins!  

Christians love to quote 1 Corinthians 10:13 — Or, I should say, they love to misquote it.   They love to say that "God won’t give you more than you can handle" — ignoring the obvious context of the verse, and the actual text of the verse, they take something said about temptation, and make it about life’s burdens.  It’s great to think that God won’t let life throw us more burdens than we can bear.  It’s not so great to think that we have no excuse  for our sins.  But that’s exactly what this verse says:

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

That’s right.  God won’t allow you to be tempted beyond what you can, but will provide a way of escape.  That means for every temptation to sin, there is a way for you to check yourself, and not sin.  Every time you’re tempted, you have a choice.  

As Christians, we are to learn to look for those choices, look for those ways of escape, and get better and better at not sinning when faced with temptation.  

Does this mean that every Christian is going to be perfect?  Of course not.  We’re still human, and we still have to wrestle with these choices, and we’re still going to screw up from time to time.  But as Christians we have a responsibility to lay aside our old, sinful nature, and live as a new creature.  A creature with the power of Christ and the Holy Spirit behind us.  

Insisting on claiming the label of "sinner", even in the context of a "sinner saved by grace", is essentially denying what was given to you when you accepted Christ as Lord.  You might as well be throwing down that spotless garment and picking up the old one again.  "I don’t want to seem like I’m better than anyone else, I’ll just wear this dirty rag, okay, Lord?".  How insulting can you get?   
Furthermore, the more often you say you’re just a sinner (yeah, yeah, saved by grace), the less likely you’ll be to look for that way out.  After all, you’re just a sinner, and God’s grace is sufficient, right?  Why not just give in to the temptation?  I’m not any different from anyone else, after all, right?  

And we wonder why so many Christian leaders fall?  We need to purge this ridiculous notion from the body of Christ.  We are not just sinners saved by grace.  We were sinners.  We were saved, by grace.  And now we’re new creatures, and we need to stop denying the power that was given to us and learn to live that way.


Filed under Bible Study

When Worlds Collide

I’ve been debating about making this post for the past few weeks.  So that I don’t have to repeat a bunch of stuff, please read this rather short posts here and here before continuing.

What I’ve been debating about for the past couple of weeks is whether or not to write a post for “Autistics Speaking Day”.

I’m actually still debating right now, as I write this.  I have a habit of writing blog posts and then deleting them, so if you’re reading this then I guess I decided to follow through (most likely after writing and rewriting a few dozen times) :P

I don’t actually know who, if anyone, reads this blog on a regular basis, or who might read it today or down the line.  I do know that there’s a good chance that family members, old friends, people I met through my business, people from autism groups on twitter, and random strangers may all see this.  And that is the main reason why I’m reluctant to write this post.

I pride myself on being honest.  Completely honest.  I don’t lie (ever), and I try my best not to act one way around one group and another around another group.  Everyone that knows me at all knows that I’m a Christian, and you all have my permission to call me on things when you don’t think I’m living as a Christian should (though I may not agree with your assessment, I will take it seriously).   Being honest is as much a part of my belief system as it is a part of my core personality.  I’m not perfect, but it’s just not natural for me to be dishonest.

But there’s a place where “being perfectly honest” meets “sharing too much”.  Omission is not the same as dishonesty, unless it’s done to purposefully mislead someone.  For instance, you most likely wouldn’t run around telling everyone you have a bad rash on your bum, but if you say “there’s no reason, really, I just like to stand!” when someone asks you why you aren’t sitting down, you’re lying.

That line between being honest and sharing too much can be hard to find, though, sometimes.  And for me, it’s hard to find right now.  I want to share this information, for those participating in Autism Awareness Day on twitter, but I’m not sure I want to share this info for the people I’ve known all my life.  Many of which, I’m sure, will think I’m crazy.  I don’t want to open myself up to (more) ridicule, but I also don’t want to feel like I have to be two different people.

Several years ago I came to the conclusion that I probably have very high functioning Asperger’s syndrome (Asperger’s is on the autism spectrum, in case you didn’t know).  I came to this conclusion after a lot of research, though I’ve known about, and identified with, autistic people for most of my life.  Until a few years ago I never considered that I could be on the spectrum, because, well, I communicate too well.

I was weird in school.  I’m still weird.  Ask anyone that knows me (except Robin, who thinks I’m a saint for some insane reason), and they’ll agree.

I grew up feeling like crap.  I hated myself.  I wanted to die, sooner rather than later.  I felt like I was stuck in a world where I didn’t belong, I was in pain all the time (from a neurological disorder, see this post) and I just wanted to go back home to God, where I belonged.  (Okay, I still feel that way most of the time.)

But the only exposure I had to autism was classic autism (little kids, who I totally “got” and could play with for hours, but who were mostly nonverbal) and the “autisic savant” stories like the movie Rainman depicts.  I remember wishing as a teenager that my math skills were just a little more advanced (I finished college level Calculus I at Purdue in 4 weeks the summer after my sophomore year of high school, but my skills weren’t good enough to qualify as ‘savant’), but I never really thought about it beyond that.

I was the smart kid.  I helped teach classes when the teachers were negligent, I helped tutor other kids when they just couldn’t get something, or they were scared a parent would beat them for having grades too low.  I asked questions in class every time a teacher was vague, not because I didn’t understand, but because I figured someone else might not understand — and besides, it’d make the teacher better at her job.  I had exactly one friend in elementary/jr high, but I treated her like crap (I didn’t understand that’s what I was doing, I didn’t know any better).  I got along with most everyone else, I just didn’t consider any of them friends (and I’m pretty sure the feeling was mutual).

I always felt like something was wrong with me.  I never felt human.  I still don’t, most of the time.

I thought I was crazy.  Or everyone else was crazy.  Or maybe both.

I never dated.  I had a whole list of reasons why I never dated (I’d have listed them if you’d asked me), but it really came down to the fact that no one ever asked.

I simply could not comprehend why anyone would be upset about something sad happening in a movie.  It’s a story.  (see my previous post)

I never talked to anyone about how I felt inside until I was 16.  It really just wasn’t done in our family.  We would talk about things, just not the deeply personal kind of stuff.  Maybe other family members talked about that kind of stuff and I just missed it, I don’t know, but I don’t think so.

When I did try to talk about these things I found I couldn’t.  I met a guy named Ryan at church camp that summer, and he seemed really kind.  He was a counselor that summer and had the reputation for being a good listener, and I was desperate for help.  I tried to talk about what was going on in my head and all I could find was silence.  It hurt to try to talk.  I’m not sure what made him stay there, trying to coax it out of me, but he did, and I’m forever grateful to him.

At one point I gave up, and tried looking him in the eyes.  I’d never done that before, really looked someone in the eyes.  They say the eyes are the window to the soul, and I’d always felt an extreme need to protect that.  I would look at people, I would give “eye contact” but I would never hold that contact long enough for anyone to see inside.  I would look at a person’s eyebrows, or the whites of their eyes, or at something behind them.  I looked him in the eye though, forced myself to, and held the gaze, hoping that by letting him see he could just know what I was feeling and I wouldn’t have to try to find the words.  That hurt more than trying to talk, and I don’t think it worked.

I tried to contact him after camp, using letters, and found that it was much easier to write things than to try to say them.  I tried to explain the eye contact thing to him.  I think he misunderstood my intentions,  I’m still not sure.  But he wrote back, he kept in touch, he was even so sweet and helpful that he’d stand there on the phone for hours listening to me breath while I tried desperately to find the words for what I needed to talk about.  He stuck around for a while, always there when I needed him.  Then he broke off contact abruptly and completely.  I still don’t understand why, but there are two years I would not have made it through without him.  Ryan, if you ever read this, thank you.

I’m a pretty intelligent person.  I’ve only ever done one official IQ test and they never told me the results, but it got me put into a “gifted ed” program.  But the first time I took an “emotional IQ” test I think I scored somewhere in the bottom 30%.  That’s what got me started looking at Asperger’s.

And suddenly, perhaps, everything made sense.  Perhaps I make sense.  Perhaps I’m not just crazy, perhaps my brain is just wired differently than everyone else’s.

The “4 going on 40” phrase my mother always used when introducing me to strangers as a child suddenly made sense.  My inability to lie, and my tendency to take everything literally make sense.  The compulsion to hide in a corner and rock (which I rarely did, but often felt like doing) made sense.  My need to get lost in patterns, and my being completely mesmerized by geometric screen savers and spinning things made sense.  My inability to talk when upset made sense.  All those meltdowns as a child made sense.

Of course, just because it makes sense doesn’t mean it’s right.  I’ve not been officially diagnosed.  I don’t trust psychologists (for good reason, I could tell you some really interesting stories), and I’m over 30.  A diagnosis at this point wouldn’t do me any good, and the people who don’t believe if now would still doubt it even if I had a diagnosis in hand.

Besides, I have the most awesome friend in the history of friendship, and he has dedicated significant portions of the past decade of his life to helping me grow as a person, learn how other people think, and overcome some of my more challenging issues.  (Oddly enough, he doesn’t believe I have Asperger’s either, but he provides more help than I’d ever get from a therapist.)

So does it really matter if I have Aperger’s?  Probably not.  But would it have helped to know sooner?  Absolutely!

Had I known that my brain was perhaps just wired differently than everyone else’s, I might not have breached untold numbers of social protocols in my teenage years and my 20s (because I would have known to spend the time learning, then).  I might not have ended up in a situation that scarred me so deeply I had to spend 10 years recovering.  I might have realized decades sooner that stress sets off all of my autistic tendencies, and calling a good friend when I see it starting can save me an entire day of banging my head (literally) against a wall.  Ryan might not have disappeared on me.  I might not have treated my best friend like crap when I was in school, without even realizing I was doing it (so sorry, Jenny).

My life might be different, better, now, in so many ways, had I only known.  Just knowing it is a possibility, whether it’s definite or not, has helped me tremendously for the past few years.

So I guess I’m going to go ahead and post this, and I might regret it, but at least I was honest.  If you know someone who shows autistic tendencies you may be afraid to say anything.  If it’s a young child let it go, no need to freak out a parent.  But if it’s an older child, and it seems obvious, say something to the parent.  If it’s a teenager, say something!  Even just a simple “have you ever heard of autism?  Perhaps you should look into it.”  Sure, it might be embarrassing, especially if you’re wrong, but you never know how much grief you could save someone.


Filed under Disability

Falling Beauty

 As I was coming home tonight my thoughts turned to how beautiful my drives have been for the past few days. 

I’m not a fan of autumn.  Fall in Ohio is just the signal for me that frigid temperatures and long months stuck inside are on their way, and I’m reminded once again of why I swore when I left I’d never come back here to live unless I had no other choice.  I had no other choice.

But fall in Ohio *is* beautiful.  Colors abound, and leaves go flying, and on a long drive in the country one can’t help but gape and stare in awe at the painted trees and blowing leaves.

At least that’s how I feel now.  Living, as I do, overwhelmed with emotion at the slightest thing.  I couldn’t help but reflect on that during my drive home today.  Beauty, or rather, the recognition of beauty, is an emotion.

Not so long ago I had no concept of beauty. 

When I was a child we went on quite a few long distance vacations, and nearly always by car.  We spent hour after hour driving, through some of the most beautiful areas of the country.  My mother used to insist on calling our attention to anything she thought was beautiful or noteworthy, and always seemed disappointed by my reaction, which was usually "uh huh". 

She especially liked it when sunbeams would peek through a partially cloudy sky and would point them out incessantly…  I didn’t even realize, until recently, what a sunbeam was supposed to be. 

I used to ask her what she was talking about, and she would say "see, the sun’s peeking through the clouds there" — which was the most obvious comment I’d ever heard, it baffled me to no end.  Of course the sun was coming through the clouds.  The sun shines, the clouds exist, and how much light gets through, where, and what angle it comes through at, is purely a function of physics.  What did she expect to happen?  Of course I could see that particular ray of sun that was hitting the ground in an obvious way, but it’s source was no mystery to me, and I couldn’t figure out why she needed to point at it, or any of the others.

A few years ago I was driving with a friend, on a partially cloudy day, and we came over a hill to find a group of clouds, placed just so, such that the sun was filtered down in a beautiful collection of rays which illuminated the country side in an intricate pattern.  I think my jaw actually dropped.  It was stunning.  After staring for a moment I looked at my friend, said something like "those are sunbeams, aren’t they?!" and he, knowing me as he did, busted up laughing.   He didn’t have to be told that I had just seen sunbeams for the first time, but I told him anyway, and we marveled together for a while at the beauty before us. 

The difference between those early encounters, and the more recent one was not a function of one set of sunbeams being more obvious, or more spectacular, than all the others.  The difference is emotion.  I am an emotional being now.  I wasn’t for the first half of my life.

I’m sure a psychologist would have a hay-day with this, if I ever saw one.  They’d probably tell me that my lack of emotion through the age 16 stemmed from some trauma that occurred when I was a child. Perhaps it did.  I’ll likely never know.  The slate of my childhood memory from before the age of 8 shows only a few very short snippets, and tells me nothing.  My first real memories involve no emotion other than frustration and anger.  While I spent a lot of time upset, crying, and having meltdowns, it was all about frustration and exhaustion.  I spent a lot of time doing things I enjoyed, but that was about accomplishment and physical feelings: completing patterns, making a basket, getting an A, feeling the air rushing by or the sun on my face.  I have no memories of happiness, hurt feelings, sadness, or love from those years.

I do know that in November of my Junior year of highschool a floodgate opened and I encountered emotion for the first time.  I thought, for years, that perhaps all the emotions I should have felt over the course of my childhood had built up and flooded back to hit me all at once.  It took me years to come to a place where no longer felt like I was constantly drowning under the deluge.  Lately, as I’ve finally learned to get somewhat of a handle on my emotions, I find myself thinking that perhaps I just feel all feelings far too deeply, and perhaps I turned them off at some early age out of self-defense.

I hate emotions.  They’re confusing.  They’re unnecessary.  They’re crippling.  They do not seem controllable, and until these past couple of years I was utterly defenseless against them. 

But without emotion there is no love, there is no happiness, and there is no beauty.   On days like today, that seems a crying shame.

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Filed under Deep Stuff

Denying the power?

So I was looking up this verse, "Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof" because I wanted to make a post about it.  I was surprised to find (though I’ve read the New Testament I don’t know how many times) that the context was not what I remembered it to be.  

If you’re like me, you’ve probably  heard people preach on this passage.  But if you’re like me, you’ve probably never heard it preached in context.  It turns out that part that’s quoted is not the full thought (or even the full sentence).

Here’s the full quote:

2 Timothy 3:1-5

  •  This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Now, I’m sure you’ve seen this list before, too, usually divorced from the part I mentioned above.  We like to look at this list and point out the type of people we don’t like.  Self-indulgent, greedy, envious, liars, traitors, etc.  

Some pastors take this verse and run with it, they preach week after week about how their parishioners need to make sure they keep themselves holy and away from sinners like this verse is talking about.  They take it so far that they scare people into avoiding the unsaved altogether… so much for the great commission!

Except the passage, even the sentence, doesn’t end with that list.  Before he says to turn away, the author points out exactly who he’s talking about, by describing them as "Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof".  Now, the  list that proceeds this phrase sounds nothing like a person that has a form of godliness to me.  It sounds like a list of grave sinners.  

But taken in context it seems clear to me that the author is NOT talking about non-Christians here.  He’s talking about people who have "a form of godliness"… yet still fit into that list.  Wolves in sheep’s clothing.  People showing one image in public and secretly living as something else.  People who sin all week and then repent on Sunday.  Or worse, people who sin all week, preach about not sinning, and then just hide their sins from the people in the church.  The "do as I say, not as I do" type.

Before looking at this scripture yesterday I always assumed "denying the power thereof" was talking about the power of the gifts of the Holy Spirit — the kind of power that spurs healings and prophecies and the like — but after looking at the context more closely I don’t think that’s what he means here.  What power is someone denying when they preach the Word while continuing to sin?  Is it not the power of God that effects sanctification in the life of the Christian?  The power to change one’s life so completely as to turn them around and make a new man out of them?

Having a form of Godliness does a person no good if they deny God the power to change their lives.  I think the author is warning us to stay away from people who want to label themselves Godly, while continuing to sin.  While it’s possible he’s talking about ‘religious folk’ of any type, and not just Christians, I rather think he’s speaking directly about people who claim Christ.  

I also think he’s talking about the "sinner saved by grace" mentality… this idea that once you get saved, you can’t help but to go on sinning, so don’t try, just make sure you repent every Sunday and God won’t care.  This idea, in my opinion, is toxic and disgusting.  Sure, we’re all human, and as humans we’re going to screw up from time to time, but God is not impotent.  If you believe and ask Him to take charge of your life He will come in and clean house.  He will impart to you the POWER, through his Spirit, to overcome your sinful nature.  He will  make you into something new, not just a sinner who’s saved, but an overcomer, a person who used to be a sinner, who was saved, and is now a new creature.  Christians do not have to be, and should not be slaves to sin.  

Here are some other scriptures that speak to this same issue…

1 Thessalonians 4:3-7

  • For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God: that no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified.  For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.

1 Corinthians 5:9-13

  • I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral persons – not at all meaning the immoral of this world, or the greedy and robbers, or idolaters, since you would then need to go out of the world.  
  • But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother or sister who is sexually immoral or greedy, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or robber.  Do not even eat with such a one.  
  • For what have I to do with judging those outside? Is it not those who are inside that you are to judge?  
  • God will judge those outside. "Drive out the wicked person from among you."

Hebrews 10:26-31

  • For if we willfully persist in sin after having received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries.
  • Anyone who has violated the law of Moses dies without mercy "on the testimony of two or three witnesses."  
  • How much worse punishment do you think will be deserved by those who have spurned the Son of God, profaned the blood of the covenant by which they were sanctified, and outraged the Spirit of grace?  
  • For we know the one who said, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay." And again, "The Lord will judge his people."  
  • It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Romans 6:16-23

  • Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?
  • But thanks be to God that you, having once been slaves of sin, have become obedient from the heart to the form of teaching to which you were entrusted, and that you, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.
  • I am speaking in human terms because of your natural limitations.  For just as you once presented your members as slaves to impurity and to greater and greater iniquity, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness for sanctification.  
  • When you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness.  So what advantage did you then get from the things of which you now are ashamed?  The end of those things is death.
  • But now that you have been freed from sin and enslaved to God, the advantage you get is sanctification. The end is eternal life.  For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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Filed under Bible Study

Venting a little frustration…

Lately I just want to scream, as I watch my competitors and friends continue to prosper, selling products for kids that aren’t properly tested/documented (under the new CPSIA laws), or items with someone else’s trademarked or copy-written images and logos, while my business continues to suffer as I fight to do things legally.

I don’t know whether these people are oblivious to the laws, or just breaking them on purpose… part of me wants to yell at them "what you’re doing is NOT legal", another part of me is envious that they can ignore these laws with a clean conscience, and still another part of me is happy to let them live in their ignorance, just glad to see they aren’t suffering yet from this nightmare that is the CPSIA.

I shut down my business because I couldn’t see a way to meet the ridiculous CPSIA testing laws (even though all of my products were safe).  I’ve since re-opened, but I’m unable to list my most profitable products (which also happen to be the best ones, and one is the item the entire business was named after) — because I can’t afford the insane testing fees.  The customers that have come back are annoyed to find the products they want unavailable, and are more than happy to go to competitors — who are still selling similar items, either oblivious to, or in defiance of the new laws.  

The copyright/trademark infringement issue is a new one on me.  I used to have no problem pointing out trademark infringements, most people I ever saw doing this were strangers, online.  These laws have been in place longer than I’ve been alive, and everyone should know about them!  

Lately, however, I’ve had the opportunity to converse with more local crafters, and trademark infringement is apparently running rampant around here!  It’s much harder to confront a law-breaker in person, especially when you’re trying to make new friends, and you’re not entirely sure they KNOW they’re breaking the law.  It’s also hard to confront a shop owner who may be considering placing your items, with the fact that their store is carrying illegal items from other vendors…

Paint me frustrated.

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Filed under Business Stuffs

I met a man tonight who could really use your prayers…

His name is Dick. He saw my chair and started asking some questions. I spent about an hour talking with him, and could tell he was really having a hard time handling his situation and was grateful just to finally meet someone who understands nerve pain (even though I’m much better off than he is).

His appendix burst a while back and he ended up getting gangrene that spread through his blood stream. He’s been left in pretty bad shape with all kinds of crazy medical problems. His liver and kidneys are in bad shape, his gall bladder is shredded (they don’t know what did that), he’s got diabetes, his heart is bad, and he’s on massive doses of blood thinners because he’s producing too much blood.

He’s also been left with a very severe peripheral neuropathy, has enormous amounts of pain, and can’t find meds to help that don’t have contraindications w/his heart meds. They can’t even do the surgery to remove his gall bladder because his heart is too bad.

After offering some advice on meds that might work, who to talk to about getting a decent chair/braces, etc, and exchanging numbers, I told him I’d be praying for him…

He didn’t say not to, but he made it clear he didn’t think prayer would help.

It broke my heart.  I can’t imagine going through what he’s gone through with no faith to stand on.  Even though what I face on a daily basis is very minor compared to what he’s going through right now, I know I would not be capable of facing one more day without the hope I find in Christ.  

I don’t know whether I’ll ever get the chance to speak with him again.  We exchanged numbers, so hopefully we’ll be in touch.  In any case I intend to keep him in my prayers, and ask you to agree with me.  While his physical situation is dire, and prayer is definitely needed there, my heart aches for him to find the Savior.  No one should have to face such a disparaging situation without the sure and certain knowledge he is safe in the hands of a competent God, that healing is not impossible, and that something better awaits him.


Filed under Prayer Requests

Thoughts on Sarcasm

Lately I keep starting blog entries and not finishing them, so I’m going to try a new thing.  From now on I’m going to give myself an hour per entry.  If I’m not done in 55 minutes I’m going to spend the last 5 rushing to get to the point, and I’ll post it at an hour, done or not.  Hopefully this will help me curb this annoying habit of half-written blogs in text files lol

I was in the shower today and instead of singing like I usually do my mind got stuck on sarcasm, why we use it, and how we can help autistic children (and others) understand it.  Here are my thoughts…

I think we use Sarcasm, primarily, as a defense mechanism when we’re annoyed.  When your child asks you for the 15th time when you’ll get there instead of ripping your (or their) hair out you just say "we’re already there, honey, can’t you tell"?   I could give a ton of other examples, but the ones i could think of all followed this same basic pattern.  Someone asks a stupid question, or makes a stupid statement, which we think they should already know the answer to, or we think they should know better, and instead of venting our frustration in a less-than-pretty way we pop off with a sarcastic comment.

When we use sarcasm with children it can actually be a really great teaching tool.  Most people aren’t going to be sarcastic with their infants or toddlers.  That’s silly, they can’t understand sarcasm, so we usually don’t bother (I imagine the same is true with non-verbal older children).  Besides, your infant/toddler isn’t likely to say something stupid anyway, and if they did they’re young enough you know they wouldn’t understand it’s stupid.  By the time most kids are old enough to start asking "Are we there yet?" 500 times in 10 minutes, though, or "Mom, are you going to feed us lunch today?", they’re also old enough to "get" sarcasm, or at least to start learning it.  So we, probably without conscious thought, start to use it with them.  We start saying things like "no, honey, I’m not going to feed you lunch, you aren’t *really* hungry anyway, are you?"… fully expecting their natural reaction to be shock, and then realization: "yes, I’m hungry!  you’re just saying that, aren’t you? are we going to have lunch *soon*?"  

Most kids can process two opposites well enough to realize that the mother who loves them dearly isn’t likely to just not feed them.  After they get over the initial shock they think about why you’d say such a thing, and it dawns on them that if Mom loves them so much, she’s probably not going to make them starve, and they probably asked the wrong question in the first place.  After enough similar instances (because kids take repetition to learn), the child eventually learns not to ask the annoying questions so often, life is less frustrating for everyone.

For autistic children, though, and children with other learning difficulties, this process doesn’t work so well.  If you tell an autistic kid you aren’t going to feed him, his reaction will often be panic.  He’ll be left with two opposites in his head "Mom loves me" and "Mom isn’t going to feed me lunch today".  This doesn’t compute.  "Maybe Mom doesn’t love me after all."  "What if she doesn’t feed me supper either?"  "But I AM hungry!  I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t hungry!"  And it can spiral from there.  Mom spends a while trying to calm the child and make sure he understands that she does love him and she will feed him and she was just being "sarcastic" she didn’t mean it… eventually he calms down, but without the ability to read body language, or make the jump that explains what caused Mom to respond sarcastically, he’s left not understanding why his mother suddenly lied to him, or when it’ll happen again.

I think most parents with children on the spectrum have been through this type of situation, repeatedly.  It’s not that you’re trying to annoy and confuse your children, it’s just that sarcasm is a natural response to frustration, and stopping it isn’t easy.   So what should you do?  I for one do not think you should train yourself not to be sarcastic.  

I don’t think that helps either one of you.  That child, eventually, is going to have to be let out into the world, so to speak, if he’s not already, and he will encounter sarcasm there.  This is a life skill he needs, and it will help him in a lot of areas, he just needs the tools to understand it.  

Most children, no matter how bad their autism or other disabilities may be, aren’t incapable of learning things, you just have to approach them right.  

When you find yourself being sarcastic with your child (and if you don’t notice beforehand, his reaction will tell you you were sarcastic), after you calm him down, take the time to help him understand what happened.  Explain that you were being sarcastic, define sarcasm for him again, but don’t stop there.  Remind him of what he said, and explain precisely why it was frustrating to you.  Explain that your reaction to that frustration was to say something you knew he should know wasn’t true, and explain that that was supposed to trigger him to think about what he asked/said and whether it was necessary.  Do this every time.  Eventually he’ll remember to think about what he said before panicking, and he’ll begin to internalize the concepts behind sarcasm.  

It may take a while.  Just like it can take a (long) while to get a child potty trained. But once your child grasps sarcasm watch out, he’ll probably use it a lot, and better than you do (lol).

If you have further thoughts on this, or you think I’m wrong, feel free to share in the comments.  I’m certainly not a professional on the subject, and I’m not even a parent, but I am good at using sarcasm, and I think I understand autistic kids better than most.


Filed under Disability, Tips & Advice

Teach a man to fish… will you join me?

This is the $5 on 5 post for February.  If you don’t already know what this is about, please check this post for a full description of what I’m doing here and why.

Pass on the Gift - Heifer International This month, I’m inviting you to join me in giving $1 or $5, or whatever you can afford, to Heifer International.  Our donations may be small, but enough little bits can add up to a great thing.

"Heifer recipients receive months of training in how to care for their animal; sell the milk, eggs or other products at market; and restore the environment. Passing on this knowledge as well as the offspring of the gift animal is at the heart of Heifer’s model which has been ending hunger and poverty for over 60 years."

You can donate online here using Paypal, Google Checkout, Amazon, or creditcard.  If you work for a large company be sure to check, they may offer matching funds to stretch what you can afford to donate even further.

I don’t get anything out of this, and I won’t get a notification of your donation, but I’d love to hear from you if you were able to help out.  Just drop me a note here, or at our Facebook group, and let us know that you’ve joined in.  I’ll be back with a different charity next month. If you have any suggestions please feel free to leave a note about that as well.

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Filed under $5 on 5

What the heck is wrong with you anyway?

I don’t imagine many people read my blog, but since these go to Facebook I figure some people will see this at least… and I know a lot of you have been wondering for years so I figure I’ll just explain it once here so you don’t have to ask and I don’t have to explain it for the umpteen-millionth time and have you staring at me like you didn’t get it anyway.

What’s wrong with me?  Why do you see me walking one day and in a wheelchair the next?  Why am I always on about my arm not working when I’m clearly using it while you’re talking to me?

Odd as it may seem almost no one I know asks me that.  I know everyone wants to know… the kids ask (nearly every time I spend time with them) but the adults almost never do.  When someone does ask I think the answer is ignored more often than not.  It gets frustrating for me and on bad days I’m likely as not to just give an exasperated sigh and spout off a bunch of long medical terms that you won’t understand, knowing you’ll respond by going "oh" and walking away.

So here it is, in more-or-less plain English.   I’ll bullet-point it so it’s easier to read.

What’s been wrong all along…

  • My immune system is eating my nerves – not my brain or my spinal cord but the little nerves that tell the muscles in my limbs and elsewhere to move.  
  • My nerves keep trying to repair themselves by rebuilding the lining, only to have my immune system attack again.  This means my nerves look like someone chewed them up and spit them out.  They are a mess of scar tissue and rather resemble what happens when a dog tries to devour an electric cord.
  • As a result, the signals that my nerves try to carry to my muscles get messed up.  Think of plugging in that electric cord the dog just chewed up – the electricity might arc outward and spark a fire, it might not get to the device it’s supposed to feed at all, or the signal might be sporadic.  Consequently commands from my brain telling my muscles to move may get lost along the way (if I try to move my foot chances are my leg will want to move first), cause spasms, and arrive very late (compared to normal ppl).
  • Since nerves carry pain signals back, as well as sending commands out, this means I have constant pain caused by this damage.  I also have constant pain caused by the cramping that’s a result of lost messages.  The less I try to move though, the less cramping I’ll have.
  • If I use my nerves too much the damage gets worse.  This is why my hands started to atrophy in college (when I was using my wheelchair 90% of the time and playing w/c basketball).  Carefully avoiding overusing any nerves is why I, more or less, have no strength issues right now.
  • After years of taking nothing but Ibuprofen, and after many more years of experimenting with every drug on the market I found that a combination of a seizure med (which helps to stem the constant overflow of pain signals coming in) and a muscle relaxant (to help keep my muscles from reacting to the signals that weren’t intended for them e.g. my leg cramping when I’m trying to use my foot) were able to help me get the pain in control enough to function on a normal basis.

What happened to my right arm:

  • A few years back the latest round of damage/repair to my nerves caused scar tissue to build up too much in a little tunnel that the nerve in my arm runs through near my elbow (that’s the guess for the cause anyway) and I woke up one morning, in excruciating pain, unable to use my right arm.  
  • Because the amount of damage my nerves already have, doctors are unwilling to do the simple surgical procedure that would open up that passage and unblock my nerve (is similar to the procedure done for carpal tunnel syndrome).  Since they won’t do that, the only solution is to take massive doses of anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen) — the eating/repairing of my nerves causes constant inflammation around the nerves themselves — which shrinks the nerve just enough that it’s not being pinched and I get function of my arm back.  
  • If I use my arm at all the muscle starts to tighten around the tunnel and causes the nerve to be pinched again.  I can handle about 15 minutes light use of my forearm muscle before this happens and my arm stops functioning.  Once this happens, I have a removable full-arm cast that I put my arm in overnight to force the muscle to relax completely — sometimes it takes more than one night of this before function returns.

How all this affects my day-to-day life:

  • When I remember my meds on a regular basis and I’m careful not to overuse any nerves I can more or less depend on my legs and arms functioning for daily activities.  On good days I can walk around the house almost normally, write about a paragraph, and fix a few meals for myself without any real problems.  In the past year or two I’d say I’ve had good days about 2/3 of the time.
  • On bad days I may have problems even standing, I may not be able to hold a pencil – let alone write with it, I may not be able to lift a pan.  I almost never leave my house on these days.  Most people probably don’t even know that I have them.  I’m often in so much pain I can barely put a sentence together.  These can happen when I’ve missed a dose of my meds or just out of the blue for no reason I can find.  
  • Thankfully even on bad days I can usually type well.  I cannot type on a keyboard that has ‘soft’ keys, but as long as the keys have enough spring to hold my fingers up when I’m not pressing down, and to push my finger back up after I’m done pressing, I do not have trouble.  The exception to this is when that nerve in my arm is trapped – then I can only type left-handed, and the effort of moving around the keyboard with my left hand tires it out very quickly.
  • In an effort to not overuse my nerves I opt on the side of caution as often as possible.  If there’s even a chance I may have to walk far or stand for very long I take my wheelchair.  If I know I’ll have to be on my legs much I’ll wear my leg braces.  If I know I’ll be sitting for a long time I take my wheelchair (my chair is custom-fit to keep my legs and feet at angles that lessen the spasming and pain). 
  • Because my arm is messed up now I cannot use a cane as much as I used to, and I almost never can use my crutches.  I have a left-handed cane (I have to use canes with special handles or my wrists get too stressed) but have trouble using it much because I’m not coordinated with my left hand lol. 
  • Between the meds I take and the work my body is doing constantly attacking and/or repairing my nerves I require a lot of sleep.  I probably average 10 hours/night but when I’ve overused my nerves sometimes I’ll sleep 2 days straight.  This isn’t really predictable, though I know if I overdue it I’ll have to sleep a lot the next day or two, sometimes I’ll sleep for 16 hours with no clue why (I just wasn’t capable of waking myself up).
  • Sometimes I will "crash" in the middle of doing something.  Usually this happens if I’ve ‘overdone it’ but sometimes it’s completely random.  I have fallen asleep at work, in the shower, at friends’ houses, at dinner, etc.  It doesn’t happen very often, and is usually accompanied by a slight fever.  I can recognize it’s coming and have just enough time to stop what I’m doing and go lay down (or pull over to the side of the road if I’m driving).  Thankfully I usually can wake myself up after 15 minutes or so when this happens, but it’s very awkward if anyone else is around.
  • I know my chair is an inconvenience for other people.  Most people I know do not have wheelchair accessible houses, and riding with others is a real hassle if I have to take a chair along.  For this reason I generally avoid doing anything unless I know I’m having a really good day and can afford to walk and/or use my cane, I know my pain levels are low enough that I can be sociable, and I’m well-rested enough that I probably won’t "crash".

So there’s way more than you ever really wanted to know.  And now you see why I always try to give a short answer and you’re left wondering what’s really wrong anyway.


Filed under Disability

There CAN Be a More Beautiful You

There’s a new song that’s been played on Christian radio quite a lot lately called “A More Beautiful You” by Jonny Diaz. It’s a very catchy song, and I loved it the first time I heard it. The more I hear it though, the more it bothers me.  Unfortunately, I keep singing along, despite myself, and I have a feeling a lot of people absolutely love the song.

You can listen to the song here:
Or find the full lyrics here:

The first verse is great. It looks at a 14 yo girl who’s looking at a magazine and feeling bad because she’s not perfect like the model she’s looking at. I can’t really identify with that, I’ve never really been concerned with that kind of thing myself, but I know a lot of girls are, and I’m sure Mr Diaz had great intentions with the song. Who doesn’t want to help people realize their inner beauty?

The problems I have start with the chorus, and the overall message of the song.

There could never be a more beautiful you

The fact is, there CAN be a more beautiful you. Whoever you are, wherever you are, you are not perfect. That’s the entire point of the Christian message. If we were perfect the way we were Christ never would have had to die for us. Non-Christians are not perfect the way they are, they need a savior to cover their sins with His blood. Christians are not perfect the way we are, we should constantly be striving to put off the old self and conform to Christ. Without a constant struggle to improve ourselves, we cannot be right with God.

There can be a more beautiful you, and he or she looks an awful lot more like Christ than you do now.

Don’t buy the lies disguises and hoops they make you jump through
You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do
So there could never be a more beautiful you

This part bugs me on another level. Were we made to fill a purpose that only we can do? I can’t think of a scripture that supports this idea. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure it’s not there. It’s a popular idea…. We’re all unique and great and God made each of us for a specific reason and purpose and task. There’s a perfect mate for us out there and God made him/her as a perfect match and together we’ll make the perfect family yadda yadda yadda. Yeah, it’s a great thought. But I don’t think it’s Biblical.

God does not need you. Yes, God wants you to come to Him. He cares for you so deeply that even if you were the only one left on this earth worth saving He would have made a way to bring you home. He came and died for you. He wants you to return that love and to work in His kingdom, helping to save others and bring them home. But he doesn’t need you. He is all powerful, almighty, and all knowing. If you’re a Christian, you chose to accept Him as Lord, and He’s made a place for you in His body. Sure, there is work for you to do, but if you turn away from Him tomorrow and go your own way… if you lay down your cross and stop doing the work He’s apportioned to you, He will find another worker to fill the position. You are not so unique that God can’t live without you. God does not depend on you. If you believe you are indispensable to God you are believing a lie. 

We should be secure in our faith, and we should be more concerned about our hearts than our bodies. There’s no reason to turn anorexic or get surgery because you want to look like the model in a magazine. In that I applaud Mr Diaz. But the chorus teaches something that is antithetical to true Christianity. There CAN be a more beautiful you, and you should always be striving to become that person.

The second verse is much like the first, but lays out a now-21-year-old who has made compromises in her life. Setting up a picture of someone who has done wrong and now needs to repent, but still has a bad self-image. The bridge confuses me a bit.

So turn around you’re not too far
To back away be who you are
To change your path go another way
It’s not too late you can be saved
If you feel depressed with past regrets
The shameful nights hope to forget
Can disappear they can all be washed away
By the one who’s strong can right your wrongs
Can rid your fears dry all your tears
And change the way you look at this big world
He will take your dark distorted view
And with His light He will show you truth
And again you’ll see through the eyes of a little girl

“You’re not too far to back away and be who you are” – So she’s really not this person who has made mistakes in her life and needs to fix them? She’s really this innocent little girl who she used to be? What kind of nonsense is that? The second two lines are right on. It’s never too late, and you can be saved. In fact, it’s right on up to the last 3 lines, then it loses me again. “He’ll take your dark distorted view and show you truth and you’ll see through the eyes of a little girl” what does that mean? It probably wouldn’t sound odd except for the context of first few lines here, when you combine them it sounds like she’s just been looking at her life wrong and really she’s not bad at all, she hasn’t made compromises and done anything wrong, she’s just looking at everything the wrong way.

This song is confusing at best, and I’m sure Mr Diaz didn’t have bad intentions, but it reeks of psycho-babble that has nothing to do with Christianity. Since the chorus, that’s repeated over and over, is so misguided I just can’t help but be offended by it when I hear it now. It’s too bad, because it really is a great song, musically.


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Filed under Bible Study, Music & Songs