Bizarre Evening

So I went to church this morning, and the family that does worship on Sunday mornings made the following announcement: “Not this next Sunday, but the one after that, we’ll be singing at such-and-such church and would love it if ya’all wanted to show up and worship with us.”

The church I go to doesn’t have Sunday evening services, which I hate because that’s the service I’m most likely to be able to attend on a regular basis… so, I’ve been kind of going to different area churches every Sunday evening just to fill the time. Hearing this I thought, great! A place to go.

Once I got home I lost my mind and convinced myself that they had said they were going to be there *tonight*. I couldn’t remember what time tonight though, so I tried to call the pastor, who didn’t answer his phone, so I figured it had to be either 6 or 6:30 and off I went. I got there at 6, and no one was there, and the sign said service was at 7, so I went wandering around town to blow time, and got a big shake at UDF.

Here’s where the evening got interesting lol. I went back to that church around 6:30, and decided to just read some while I was waiting… 6:45 came and no one was there yet, but this is Ohio, so I figured maybe it’s just one of those churches where everyone’s always running late instead of early.

At around 6:50 one car pulled in. Two old guys walked up and peeked around the back of the car towards my open window and one said “can we help you?”. This seemed like a rather odd question at a church on Sunday evening, but I just told him I got there early and was waiting because so-and-so was supposed to be singing there tonight. To which he answered “Uhm, I don’t think so”. I explained better who it was, and he said “Oh, they’re supposed to be here on the 23rd I think”.

Me: “Oh. uhm. well… are you sure?”
Him: “Well you might as well join us anyway”

So I went in. I’m not all that observant, and didn’t realize until I shook his hand that he only had half of his right hand and a hook on the left… shaking three fingers felt a little strange lol. He had to be in his 80s. The other guy is (I found out later) almost 87.

They were the ONLY two people there! Had I not been there, I imagine they would have talked a bit and went home or something, but since I was there.

Him: “Well, I wasn’t going to preach tonight, and the guy that normally does on Sundays called to say he won’t be coming. You don’t preach do you?”
Me: “Uh… no. I can sing but I don’t preach (literally lol).”
Him: “Oh, you sing?!?…”
Me: “Uh, yeah, some.”
Him: “Well, you wanna sing? Morris sings some…”

So I spend the evening singing random hymns (thumbing through hymnals and song booklets trying to find songs that we all (or at least two of us) knew. Most bizarre, but it actually turned out to be fairly fun. I’m always up for singing, and since there were only two of them I didn’t really feel on the spot…

I think they appreciated having someone else there, especially since, as it turns out, they had to drive over 45 minutes to get to the church tonight.

So they’re hoping I come back lol

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Filed under Disability, Humor, Music & Songs


In between bouts of completely irrational hormone-driven tears I’ve been almost giddy for two days. I’m FINALLY feeling better. The doctor gave me some super strength antibiotics and although I’m not 100% better yet, I’ve been about 20 times better than I was, and having energy after being sick for so long is enough to make me want to jump around lol.

Yesterday started out with a huge storm:
Stormy Day

So, when the power went out, I figured it was the perfect time to make a trip to the Amish store. It turned out to be a very beautiful day, between rain.

I got some good food, then went to take some pictures at the church camp I went to as a kid (nothing worth posting really). It’s funny how much things change — they’ve added tons of buildings, and all of the trees that were just getting started when I was a kid are taller than the buildings now… which made the place look completely different. I did get to talk to an old friend while I was there, who, surprisingly, remembered me and most of my family even though I haven’t really talked to him for at least 10 years.

I took some pies I got at the Amish store and left some for my aunt and uncle, then shared some with my grandmother (who lost a big tree in that storm, and had been stuck at home without a working phone all evening).

All in all it was a great day. I came to a call from Mom saying she was coming down today and then made some beads (some of which will be posted on etsy this weekend) before going to bed.

Mom came down today and we had lunch with grandma then did a bunch of yard work. The flower beds are all finally finished, and I think we finally have the property to a place where I’ll be able to keep it up without much work (yay!). I also have my garden going well, we planted some sunflower seeds and the last of the tomatoes today, and a pumpkin decided to sprout. So I’ll have corn (if it makes it), beans, tons of onions and garlic, pumkin, tons of zucchini (yay!), cucumbers, sunflowers, tons of tomatoes, some hot peppers, and some cabbage. Quite a bit more than I was planning on, but I can’t complain. I also took some big rocks I dug out of an old flower bed and made a real ring around my fire ring so it actually looks safe now lol.

After mom left I got thinking about the trip to camp, and decided to see if I could find a number for another old friend, Tim, who just happened to be home today! He remembered me too (I’m not sure why that always surprises me), and we talked for about an hour I think. It’s always great catching up with old friends, and this is a guy I have looked up to as an inspiration since I was about 8 (don’t tell him that though, his head is big enough).

And I just did all that rambling to say, I think I finally have a good friend in the area! For whatever reason I always thought calling Tim would be awkward… it so totally wasn’t. We caught up quite a bit, he’s disabled as well, so we actually have quite a bit in common in that area. He’s married with a 4 year old kid now, so doesn’t have much time, and neither of us have much spending money, but hopefully we can get together once in a while at least.

I can’t even count the number of prayers that have been answered in the past few weeks. Yay! :)

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Filed under Personal


I *hate* mornings like this.

I’m awake at 7:30am.  Anyone that knows me knows that I’m NEVER awake at 7:30 am unless I just haven’t gone to bed yet.

But I woke up this morning with the same dang throat infection I’ve had for an entire week now (dang antibiotics aren’t helping one bit! arg!) and the overwhelming sense that something is wrong.  I can’t go back to sleep.  I hate this.

I can’t stay up either, cuz I’m too dang tired and sick to stay up, and I can’t call anyone because seriously, who wants a call at 7:30 in the morning?!?



Filed under Rants

His Right Hand

I’ve been neglecting scriptural blog posts for a while, but I needed to note this one for my own reference.

Hebrews 1:3 (NRSV)

He is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact imprint of God’s very being, and he sustains all things by his powerful word. When he had made purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,

Isaiah 59:14-16 (Linking to KJV – text below is JPS)

14And so redress is turned back
And vindication stays afar,
Because honesty stumbles in the public square
And uprightness cannot enter.
15Honesty has been lacking,
He who turns away from evil is despoiled.”
The Lord saw and was displeased
That there was no redress.
16He saw that there was no man,
He gazed long, but no one intervened.
Then His own arm won him triumph,
His victorious right hand
supported Him.

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Filed under Bible Study

Answered Prayers

If you know me you know I’ve been having a hard time lately. I’m in a crap-hole financially; I’m insanely lonely as I haven’t made any friends here and have been having a hard time finding a church; my arms have been giving me a lot of problems lately (and my legs are already messed up); and to top it all off I tried to slice my thumb off with a box cutter the other day.

BUT this week is suddenly looking up.

A few weeks ago I got a call about a job (out of the blue, I wasn’t actively looking for a job because I figured it was impossible to find a part-time remote job I could do with my disability anyway), but after talking to him and finding out the job would be perfect for me — he called me back a week later to tell me they found someone else. That same week I got another call about another job (no idea where all the calls were coming from suddenly) but that guy hadn’t even looked at the ‘part time only’ stipulation. Two false alarms that close together just exasperated me.

Anyway, in the meantime I started going to this new church I found (see previous post), and at least that was looking promising.

So this week on Monday the guy that called about the first job called back… I guess the other guy didn’t work and the employer wanted an interview on Tuesday! So Tuesday’s interview went pretty well. Tuesday I also got like 3 sales on Etsy and had the bright idea of listing some stuff on eBay again.

Wednesday I sold another couple of things and went to church… where I had the most awesome conversation with the pastor!!! So I can officially say I have a new church now, and the people are actually friendly (so I might *gasp* finally make some friends here)!

Thursday morning I got a call saying I got the job! And it’s more money per hour than I thought it would be! He didn’t know when I would be starting though…

Thursday afternoon I FINALLY got in to see the hand therapist who made me a freakin HUGE cast-splint for when my arm is acting up (ugh, nothing like a full arm cast to show you how fat you are lol) — hopefully this’ll mean faster recovery next time it goes out.

I spent all day with the brace guy (long story)… when I got back there was a call from the recruiter wanting me to come for a drug screen and paperwork because the employer wants me to start as soon as possible. So I ran up there today, and filled out everything. It sounds like I might be starting as soon as mid-week.

Plus, my CRAYO-Names (see my

profile for details) are selling like hot-cakes on ebay!

Oh yeah, and my thumb — which is barely hurting any at all for some unknown reason (NOT that I’m complaining) — is starting to heal lol.

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Filed under Personal, Prayer Requests

Naked and Barefoot

So I was reading Isaiah last night and had to do a doubletake after reading chapter 20.

Isaiah 20:3-6 (NRSV)

3. Then the LORD said, “Just as my servant Isaiah has walked naked and barefoot for three years as a sign and a portent against Egypt and Ethiopia, 4. so shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians as captives and the Ethiopians as exiles, both the young and the old, naked and barefoot, with buttocks uncovered, to the shame of Egypt.  5.So shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians prisoners, and the Ethiopians captives, young and old, naked and barefoot, even with their buttocks uncovered, to the shame of Egypt.  6.And they shall be afraid and ashamed of Ethiopia their expectation, and of Egypt their glory.

So I read it a few more times, in a few different translations, but there’s just no mistaking the fact that Isaiah ran around naked and barefoot for 3 YEARS!

further pontification

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Filed under Bible Study

Eek, More Mowing

Okay, so it turns out this property has even more land than I thought it had… what?? lol I already spend 3 hours mowing, I guess now I get to spend 3.5/4 hours. As it turns out the “from the pole straight out to the street” property line was actually supposed to be “from the pole, to the other pole at the street” which sounds like the same thing, but is radically different. One line is perpendicular to the street, and the other is not, which means a lot more land, and several trees (one of which is a beautiful red maple, which I’m very happy about).

This would be much less confusing if my official property boundaries weren’t “from the nail in the center of the street, to the buried coffee can, to the buried railroad spike, to the second nail in the center of the street”. Gotta love hickville.

I only figured this out because my neighbor suddenly stopped mowing that section, I figure to make a point, and it’s all grown up and I finally checked with another neighbor who owned all these properties at one point…

Anywho, at least I have a pretty tree lol.

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Filed under The Great Outdoors

Ever had a knife thrown at you?

I almost forgot to blog about this, but it was so bizarre I just can’t pass it up.

At the craft fair this weekend I was sitting there talking with a customer and the lady from the booth across the way, and a KNIFE came flying at us!! It came within a foot of my customer’s calf, and ended up landing underneath my wheelchair (thank God I was using my solid tires that day). Apparently the guy in a booth about 25 feet away THREW it our direction… we didn’t believe what it was at first, but after my customer picked it up and we all realized it was, indeed, the knife it had looked like, our jaws dropped and we stared in the general direction it had come from.

When I said “uhm, did someone just THROW a KNIFE at us?!?” some lady said “uhh, I think he was trying to hit a fly”. A FLY?!?! I know I’m in hick country, but good glory.

I’m still astounded.

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Filed under Humor, Rants


Most people that would bother reading this blog know that I’ve been having a hard time finding a decent church here.

I think I finally found one!

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Filed under Personal

Ahhh the great outdoors

I went out and mowed in daylight for the first time this year today. It was a beautiful day! Something about getting out in the sun and sweating for a while always lifts my spirits (even if it leaves me shaking and hurting for the next 2 days).

I got most of my mowing done today, then got my mower stuck in the ditch. After calling a friend for advice, I took a dinner break and then spent an hour getting it out, which I finally managed to do, surprisingly.

Then I trimmed all of the low branches I’d gotten my hair caught in while mowing (ouch). Afterwards I went and shot some photos of some bugs I’d seen Pictures behind the cut – CAUTION: SPIDER

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Filed under The Great Outdoors