Humble thyself in the sight of the (Humble thyself in the sight of the) Lord
Humble thyself in the sight of the (Humble thyself in the sight of the) Lord
and He (and He) will lift (will lift) you up!
Higher and higher and He (and He) will lift (will lift) you up!
Make Jesus Christ the Lord of your (make Jesus Christ the Lord of your) life
Make Jesus Christ the Lord of your (make Jesus Christ the Lord of your) life
and He (and He) will lift (will lift) you up!
Higher and higher and He (and He) will lift (will lift) you up!
Lord, You are the way and you are the (You are the way and You are the) Light
Lord, You are the way and you are the (You are the way and You are the) Light
and I (and I) will lift (will lift) You up!
Higher in praises and I (and I) will lift (will lift) You up! |